---------An International Development, Investment and Trade Corporation---------
OF GOLD AND DIAMOND RESERVE BANK PROJECTS The essence of the projects as conceived by Third World Investment and Development Corporation (TWIDCORP), is to develop and manage mining operations, specifically to establish Gold and Diamond Reserve Banks in third world countries with high deposits of gold and diamonds. TWIDCORP believe such projects could improve the overall economic status of these countries. The project is a research and development program concerned with the development of Africa’s Natural Resources, to amass capital and create a financial climate and resource, specifically, to assist countries with vast gold and diamond deposits, attain greater independence and to strengthen their economies. Our mission is to create a system of mining and management that will marshal/harness the available resources and utilize them for mutual growth and support. TWIDCORP proposed the setting-up of Gold and Diamond Reserve Banks, to help the Governments make the most out of their country’s gold and diamond deposits, in the best interest of their people. The idea to set-up depositories for gold and diamond exclusively for the Governments and People of these countries was conceived by TWIDCORP, in reaction to a fundamental problem plaguing the economies of most third world nations with vast gold and diamond deposits. Today, even though these countries are endowed with vast deposits of high quality gold and diamond, their respective economies remain weak and vulnerable. The people of these mineral rich countries continue to be poor, even though their respective governments export their precious minerals on a daily basis. After careful research in these mineral exporting countries, TWIDCORP came up with the idea of Stockpiling rather than exportation as a lasting solution for these mineral rich countries. The strategy is realistic and feasible. In brief, these countries stand to gain and lose nothing, if they can set-up their own gold and diamond reserve banks. TWIDCORP will assure the governments of these countries that, the project as designed will have nothing whatsoever, to do with existing contracts or proposals between the government and other mining companies or investors not connected to TWIDCORP. The aim of the project is for the governments to use the deposited precious stones and / or metals as a tool, to back their national currencies in the world market, increase the availability of foreign exchange, engage in the minting of gold coins, and the manufacture and marketing of gold and diamonds jewelry; rather than using the bidding system or direct sale. In order to foster ongoing base for socio-economic development in these countries, Third World Investment and Development Corporation proposed in addition, the establishment of support and ancillary plants and factories, such as cutting and polishing, cleaning, assaying and smelting, as well as gold and diamond manufacturing plants. This is an effort on the part of TWIDCORP, to bring into these countries international expertise, technology transfer, and other commercial enterprises to expand their local economic infrastructure and to promote local employment. The project as conceived by TWIDCORP, will be a profit-oriented venture involving TWIDCORP, the Government of the country, and the Investor(s) or funding institution(s). Interested investors are invited to submit letters of intent to participate in either direct financing or equity participation. Total estimated cost is yet to be determined; however, it is estimated not to exceed $ 5 million (U.S). v
OF PHARMACEUTICAL PLANTS & SANITATION PROJECTS This project is essentially to give the people of third world countries greater access to medicines and a sanitation program to facilitate waste disposal by augmenting the waste collection and waste disposal systems. v
DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS The fisheries development project as designed by TWIDCORP, is to increase the fleet and quality of fishing vessels on the waters of coastal countries, to boost access to their fishing grounds and the introduction of micro-projects that will complement the entire project to help the countries fisheries sectors, to overcome constraints related to storage, transportation, and processing methods for both domestic consumption and export. v
AND TOURISM DEVELOPMENT PROJECT This project is intended to be an advertising and public relation campaign to boost tourism, through overseas foreign investors, hoteliers and tourism companies. v
LIVESTOCK REHABILITATION PROJECTS This is essentially to increase the nutritional level for people in third world countries, by ensuring a minimal level of consumption of meat and milk and other dairy products and also to increase income level among households that engage in livestock farming especially in rural areas. v
& AQUA CULTURE PROJECTS The proposed Aqua-Mining - Aqua-Culture Project is designed to be combined with a Gold or Diamond mining operations as an environmental conservation and community development program, for third world countries with high deposit of Gold and Diamond. All projects as conceived by TWIDCORP, will be a profit-oriented ventures involving TWIDCORP, the Government of the country, and the Investor(s) or funding institution(s). Interested investors are invited to submit letters of intent to participate in either direct financing or equity participation. A total estimate of cost for other projects is yet to be determined. |
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